
The 57th Zenkyo central committee appeal was adopted

Zenkyo held the 57th Central Committee in Tokyo from June 24th to 25th. We discussed the struggles to stop amendment Article 9 of the Constitution and Abe’s “Educational Rebuild”, the efforts to promote democratic education guaranteeing the growth and development of all children, and elimination of teacher’s long working hours.

Because it was a central committee held under serious political and social situations, it enthusiastically discussed on the amendment of the Constitution, Abe’s “Educational Rebuild”. In addition, improvement of educational conditions such as increasing the number of teachers, advancing small-sized classes, and free education, elimination of long working hours which is a demand from our members, and efforts to strengthen and organize stronger Zenkyo were also discussed.

At the Central Committee, eight resolutions such as plan of upcoming struggle were adopted. Then it approved the central committee appeal to “Demand for great change of politics! Let’s expand the circle of colleagues who pursue education based on the Constitution and the Convention on the Rights of the Child” unanimously, and closed.

【Demand for great change of politics! Let’s expand the circle of colleagues who pursue education based on the Constitution and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.】

A series of surprising political corruption has been revealed. These problems, such as deepening frauds, political scandals that are found out one after another, must be dealt with before the usual policy agenda. Abe administration lost the ability to hold the reins of government. Nevertheless, the government and the ruling parties are trying to get a bill with many problems such as “work-style reform”, but we can’t accept.  “Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2018” adopted by the Cabinet the other day indicates false recognition that the promotion of Abenomics for five and a half years has greatly improved the Japanese economy. Poverty and income gaps will go on expanding due to the their policies, and as a result it only brings more difficulties to the people’s lives. The Abe cabinet continues to lie and deception and mocked the people, holds firm to revising the constitution. Such a cabinet has no choice but to resign.

The international situation, including the dramatic change in Northeast Asia and Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, is about to take a big step towards peace and stability. It is increasingly certain that Japanese Constitution, which holds up the ideas of respect for fundamental human rights, pacifism, constitutionalism and democracy, has universal significance. It is now that Japanese people need sustained efforts to realize those ideas of the Constitution. The 30 million-petition campaign calling to protect the Constitution collected 13.5 million signatures. These activities make it impossible to propose the revision of the constitution that PM Abe aims during the current Diet session. Let’s gather more signatures and create public opinion that does not permit constitutional amendment.

The government forces teachers to accept Abe’s “Educational Rebuild” aiming to develop human resources desired by the powers. The Abe administration’s “work-style reform” and “free education” are policies within the limits of “productivity improvement” and “the revolution for human resources development” which are neo-liberal economic policies. The government is required to guarantee the right to work as human being and to realize education as rights.

A shortage of teachers is more serious all over the country. Meanwhile, Zenkyo members aim for elimination of long working hours which is a demand from our members, and those efforts are beginning to push educational administrations. On the other hand moral education and elementary school English make teachers busier, and the burden on children also increases. Contradictions are spreading in the educational field. Teachers strongly hope that “I want to do a good education” and “I want to work calmly”.

This summer, let’s call at every workplace “Create a good working environment and a school that teachers can do a worthwhile job.” A teacher who will try to respond to your call is by your side. Let’s make Zenkyo bigger and stronger, and encourage and support each other! And expand the circle of actions to create schools and society where each human beings are respected.

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